The World’s Only Mobile-First Cryptocurrency
With a Mission to Save the Earth.
The Earth Coin Aims to Introduce Eco-Friendly Solutions Across the World
to Preserve Our Beloved Planet
The Earth Coin is a non-profit and philanthropic organization entirely committed to save our planet earth from different aspects. The head and founder of this organization, Kartik Gambhir along with Co-founder Shailandra Rajput is passionately determined to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. Considering a number of environmental and atmospheric crisis being faced by earth, The Earth Coin has a mission to tackle all of them by providing different pre and post solutions. We, the entire team of “The Earth Coin” are striving to reduce drastic environmental and ecological changes by taking different initiatives and spreading factual awareness to the public about the environmental proportions.
To control life threatening global issues like Global warming, Ozone depletion, Acid rain and effects of Greenhouse gases, the organization is playing a vital role through Carbon sequestration, Green energy solutions and Global expansion. Our overall goal is to heal our planet earth together and fight with extreme climatic changes. The growing global environmental issues are resulting in destruction of the biotic community. Hence without taking proper initiatives, in future survival of life on earth will be strenuously difficult. Keeping in view all this, The Earth Coin is on the way to do the best for protection and preservation of our mother planet.
In order to enable everyone to participate in this global cause, The Earth Coin has adopted a digital and unique way for funds collection. We don’t take a single penny from anyone’s pocket directly. Thus to get financial aid, we collect funds through advertising revenue. For this, we have developed a mobile app which the donor will use and view ads to fund our organization.
We highly encourage everyone to help us fight for this global cause through advertisement revenue by using our app. It will definitely empower us to take more efficient steps to save our planet and the life of our future generations accordingly.
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It is mentioned in MIDCARB that Carbon sequestration has been the process of collecting and safely storing CO_2 generated by the global energy system. Several approaches for sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are being investigated. These could be classified into three sections:
Total Supply
Soft Cap
Token Name
Here is our full documents that help you to understand about us. And lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Our team working hardly to make archive lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
The ICO Crypto Team combines a passion for esports, industry experise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing.
Welcome to the official FAQ of The Earth Coin. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form.
The Earth Coin is a mobile-first cryptocurrency and the native coin of the TEC Ecosystem which is focused on introducing and implementing modern-world solutions to protect the heritage of our beloved planet Earth from the consequences of global warming.
Total Supply : 10,000,000,000 TEC (10 Billion)
To start earning, check in every 4 hours in the app and hit the Claim button. After each successful claim, your next mining period will start automatically. Once your 4 hour mining period is complete, you will get a notification to claim your earnings. Our claim process is very simple and would not take more than 1 minute of your time. You can earn more through the Refer & Earn system. Invite your friends and you’ll get 5% of their earnings for lifetime.
You don’t need to leave the app open to mine. The app consumes less than 1% of your phone’s battery and a negligible amount of data is consumed for connectivity to the app. The Earth Coin app doesn't use your resources in the background.
You can find The Earth Coin on Binance Smart Chain. Token Contract :
When the project has raised 90% of the goal, the withdrawal process will be started. The team will start working on the listing process post the withdrawals.
Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.